

by Onili

My first computer productions. Made in Paris between 1999-2004. I worked as a manager of a Xmas gift shop at the Galleries Lafayette in order to buy my computer and microphone. Then i would work day and night on my own music. It was a revelation to be independent, and have my own music studio. I used Cool edit pro as software, and Loved it! because every effect had to be definite, no undo, no turning back, what a relief, and time saver :) you know what I mean?? My friends Jeremy Verlet, Cyril, Hadas, Noel, Jerome Noel, Maya, Ari, TTC, Nicolas Ulman, Alex, Ade, Alexandra and many many others are present on this record. It was the end of my Parisian life. After which I moved to Spain t o study Flamenco, and then to Israel…

Cover By Omri Barel.